Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Real Face of Terrorism – Facts & Figures

The Real Face of Terrorism – Facts & Figures

This write-up is based on facts and figures gathered majorly from non-Muslim sources.

Below is a list of 10 terrorist organizations that do not consist of Muslims.

Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)

Founded: 1987
Place of Origin: Uganda, North, east & central regions of Africa
Purpose: To serve their vested interests by disrupting peace and tranquility in the region especially, Uganda.
Responsible for: Over 3000 killings and displacement of approximately 400,000 people.

Kahane Chai

Founded: 1971
Place of Origin: Israel
Purpose: To attain Jewish supremacy by spreading hatred towards Arabs.
Responsible for: Bombing of girls’ school, conspiring against & assassinating innocent Arabs. Showed open support for a Jewish terrorist named Baruch Goldstein who killed 29 innocent Palestinians in 1994.

Aum Shinrikyo

Founded: 1984
Place of Origin: Japan
Purpose: To serve their vested interests through violence and human rights’ abuse. To bring about the apocalypse.
Responsible for: Carrying out brainwashing sessions on its members using electric shocks, LSD and other means. Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system killing 13 innocent commuters and injuring many in 1995.

New People’s Army (NPA)

Founded: 1969
Place of Origin: The Philippines
Purpose: To promote left wing people’s ideology
Responsible for: 40,000 deaths. Prison raid, attacks on mining sites, attacks on the military, the police, and government informants and the assassination of a U.S. Army Colonel.

Ulster Defense Association (UDA) aka Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF)

Founded: 1971
Place of Origin: Northern Ireland
Purpose: Protestant supremacy
Responsible for: 259 deaths mostly Catholics.

Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) – Side branch of Irish Republican Army (IRA)

Founded: 1990s decade
Place of Origin: Republic of Ireland
Purpose: To unite Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
Responsible for: Carrying out attacks on British Military, Northern Ireland Police as well as innocent civilians. Bombed the town of Omagh in 1998 killing 29 and injuring 220 innocent people in Northern Ireland.

Shining Path / Sendero Luminoso

Founded: 1980
Place of Origin: Peru
Purpose: Establishment of Marxist rule in Peru
Responsible for: Over 31000 deaths and disappearances.

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)

Founded: 1958
Place of Origin: Spain / France
Purpose: Establishment of ‘Basqueland’ a separate state for Basque people.
Responsible for: Killing of over 829 innocent people by attacking politicians, judges, journalists, businessmen, and tourists.

Revolutionary Struggle / Epanastatikos Agonas (EA)

Founded: Around and about 2003
Place of Origin: Greece
Purpose: To bring about a revolution in Greece using violence and terror tactics.
Responsible for: Attacking government buildings, banks, business institutions, police stations and the American embassy in Athens.

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias De Colombia (FARC) 
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

Founded: 1964
Place of Origin: Columbia, South America
Purpose: To bring about communist revolution in Columbia through illicit drug production and distribution, kidnap for ransom, illegal mining & extortion.
Responsible for: Using landmines to kill people and the deaths of 460 soldiers and thousands of innocent civilians.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Enemies of Pakistan Behind The May 13 Terrorist Attack in Karachi. The Question Is, Which of The Enemies? A Conspiracy Theory!

The atrocious act of terrorism in Karachi today has yet again proved that the enemies of Pakistan are constantly at work. In response to this heinous act, the government and law enforcing authorities have reiterated the resolve against all sorts of terrorism and pledged to bring down all those responsible.

Who are these people and who is aiding and abetting them? Well, that’s the question which has never been answered in a satisfactory manner ever since such acts started. Does this mean we don’t know who these enemies of Pakistan and humanity are? Actually, we do know about each and every person, group, organisation and state behind all this. All one needs is a clear mind and average intelligence to get to the bottom of this all.

It is being reported in the media that RAW (Indian intelligence agency Research & Analysis Wing) is actively involved in activities against the country and has stepped up these efforts tenfold in the present day. At face value, it is an open secret that RAW has been, and is working against Pakistan since its very inception. However, we tend to neglect the other important factors that have been and are continuously playing a dangerous role in this game of interests.

If we look closely at the geo-political developments taking place in the current global scenario, it would definitely not be difficult to come to alarming conclusions. It is an undeniable fact that India is an open enemy to Pakistan since the partition. On the other hand, keeping in view the ongoing cooperation between Pakistan & China in the areas of trade, defence, infrastructure and energy, one mustn’t be surprised when the complete reality is revealed.

In the wake of the recent Cino-Pak agreements and MOUs and meticulous analysis of geo-political as well as economic facts & figures, we should be able to ascertain those at loss here. In fact, India is not the ONLY state to directly suffer from the economic and social development & stability in Pakistan. Take the Gwadar port for that matter. Whose interests are in danger due to the development of this important strategic deep sea port?

Upon reviewing and analysing the trade history and economic routes of the region, one would realise that before Gwadar, there were two nearest states that could have played a part in the greater game with their strategically located ports. Yes, you are right; the ports of UAE and Chabahar or Chah Bahar and Bandar Abbas in Iran. Viewing strategically, one must admit that although UAE Port operations would suffer when Gwadar is fully operational (as per the future planning and development is concerned), Chabahar is the closest in terms of geo-location.

Now the reader might be thinking about the connection of these ports with Gwadar. The point here is, UAE ports are currently the largest trading channels in the region at present. Iran’s Bandar Abbas is also of significant value but Chabahar, being the closest to the Arabian Sea provides greater access for cargo to and from Central Asia. Unfortunately for these countries, Gwadar has diminished their opportunities for future growth by being located at a far better and highly strategic position.

Gwadar Port
When Gwadar Port becomes fully operational, it would not only cater to the logistic requirements of Central Asia, but also provide China with a shorter and more economical trade route than they already have. Not to leave Russia out of this as they have been in dire need of warmer waters since the beginning of time. This scenario does not work well with the state administrations of UAE and Iran. Of course, the bulk of their current and future business is dearly threatened by the one Gwadar Deep Sea Port. At this point, the reader must be confused regarding how all this connects UAE and Iran to the current situation of Pakistan!

It is being reported in the news media that Iran is expanding its Chabahar port with the help of India. India!? Yes, India, our closest neighbour in the east and our worst enemy. Even a noodle can understand why India is helping Iran with Chabahar and NOT Pakistan with Gwadar. This is only because the Indians hate to see Pakistan getting any benefit from anywhere for the matter of that. If they wanted to get any kind of business gains from a trade route, what could have been better than Gwadar? It is geographically closer to India than the other port in question.

Chabahar Port
Interests of states at times work like the interests of individuals. Suppose a shop owner has his outlet at one side of a market. Another is located slightly afar in the centre. However, a new person buys a place right at the entrance of the market closest to the areas from where the customers come from. Now, if this new shop opens, the customers will get the opportunity to buy their required goods right at the entrance of the market. Who would want to go farther down to get what they need then?

Simply put, the clash of interests sometimes turns your closest neighbours into your deadliest enemies. As a conspiracy theory, both the UAE and Iran being supposed victims of Gwadar may be inclined towards sabotaging Pakistan's lifeline project. Although the evidence pointing towards UAE is somewhat weak, there is a frail chance they have something or the other to do with the dirty game. As for our neighbour India, one does not have to toil hard to confirm their involvement in terrorism in the region. India has always posed major threats to its closest neighbour and thus, the current increase in terrorist activities in Pakistan! If one is to damage the interests of a state dearly, they must spread unrest in that area to achieve their goals. That is exactly what India is doing with the help of Iran.
